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Price of Cooking Oil In Nigeria

Price of Cooking Oil

Cooking oil is a staple in Nigerian kitchens, and its price has been fluctuating significantly based on the different brands, types, and packaging sizes. This blog post will explore the current price of cooking oil in Nigeria, highlighting key factors influencing its cost and offering insights into finding the best deals.

SEE ALSO: Price of Cooking Oil In Nigeria

Price Range for Cooking Oil

Based on the provided sources, here’s a breakdown of the price range for various cooking oils in Nigeria:

1. Soya Oil:

  • 750ml – 1L: ₦2,500 – ₦3,500
  • 2.75L: ₦7,000 – ₦8,500
  • 5L: ₦12,500 – ₦15,000

2. Vegetable Oil:

  • 750ml – 1L: ₦2,000 – ₦3,000
  • 5L: ₦13,000 – ₦25,000

3. Palm Oil (Ondo):

  • 500ml – 1L: ₦2,000 – ₦3,000
  • 2L – 3L: ₦4,000 – ₦7,000

4. Olive Oil:

  • 500ml – 1L: ₦3,000 – ₦5,000
  • 2L – 3L: ₦6,000 – ₦10,000

5. Canola Oil:

  • 5L: ₦21,000 – ₦25,000

SEE ALSO: Price of Bell Pepper (50kg basket) In Nigeria

Factors Affecting Cooking Oil Prices

Faxtors affecting cooking oil prices in Nigeria are as follows:

  • Popular brands often command higher prices due to their reputation and marketing.
  • Different types of cooking oil, such as soya, vegetable, palm, and olive oil, have varying prices based on their production costs and market demand.
  • Larger packaging sizes generally offer a lower price per liter.
  • Different retailers might have varying markups, impacting the final price for consumers.
  • Fluctuations in the exchange rate and import tariffs can impact the price of imported cooking oils.
  • Seasonal variations, weather conditions, and market demand can influence the availability and price of cooking oils.

SEE ALSO: Price of Onions (100kg basket) In Nigeria


The price of cooking oil in Nigeria is a dynamic factor influenced by a range of factors. By staying informed about market trends, comparing prices, and exploring alternative options, consumers can navigate the fluctuating cost of this essential ingredient and find the best deals for their culinary needs.