Faithia Williams faces backlash from Nigerians As She Promotes Her new project “Efunroye”

Film-maker and Nigerian Actress Faithia made an announcement on X formerly Twitter concerning her upcoming movie and this has sparked a controversy among Nigerians.
The project is titled Efunroye which is in honour of Efunroye Tinubu. This promotion didn’t sit well with many Nigerians who claimed that she (Efunroye Tinubu) didn’t deserve the honours and also emphasized more the damages she caused Nigerians, during the slave trade era.
The Filmmaker posted her picture was the cover and said and I quote, “Power. Trade. Legacy. She was more than a warrior, she was a ruler who rewrote history. ‘Efunroye: The Unicorn’ is coming to your screens soon!”
Some of the comments under this post on X formerly Twitter read, “This woman was a slave trader she was one of the people who didn’t want slavery to end. I’ve always wondered why people like are celebrated”.
“The problem is that our people don’t even know their history. If they do, no one would be lionising a known slave seller, someone who throughout her lifetime was selling people as slaves. It’s a shame, O’ma see o!!”.
” Same you Africans who say you are victims of slavery and forced labour by the whites are now building monuments and making movies to honour your people who sold you as slaves to whites. You hate the slave buyers but are hailing the slave sellers as “Unicorn” who “re-wrote history”. The yoke is heavy.
The comments went further, ” You are celebrating slave traders now”?.
Many other comments showed displeasure in this upcoming project which you can read more comments under the Film-maker’s post in X, with her name as her username.